Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tim Horton's- such a delight!

Recently, my family and I roadtripped to Toronto, Canada to visit my favorite uncle. It was quite an exciting trip, because I love visiting my Canuck neighbors to the north. The thing that was most exciting is the chance to order out from my favorite Canadian coffee shop of all time- Tim Horton's! Timmies, as they are affectionately called, are everywhere and most are 24 hours! 8)

I'm not quite sure what it is or how they've done it, but somehow they've perfected the coffee and a doughnut experience. There's not been a person that I've introduced to the Timmies experience that's not fallen head over heels for them.
There are no semi-italian/french names for the coffee (ex. Venti Mocha Valencia, no whip, soy, half-caf, low foam...). Sorry Starbucks! But, the fact that you can walk in without having to perform brain surgery on yourself to order coffee makes the experience even more delightful. Walk in to your favorite Timmies and order a double-double (2 sugars, 2 creams) and you're hot to trot!
To go along with that lovely caffeine are delightful pastries, my favorite being the Dutchie. A square/rectangular delight that is unlike your average donut.
When eaten hot, this delicious glazed, sweet dough delight sprinkled with raisins is always sex on a plate to me. Naughty but true!

Needless to say, I experienced immense joy to find out that Tim Horton's has expanded their chain to the good ol' US of A. The first stores opened up in New York state, but I just know they'll be moving to the Midwest soon. But of course, a random roadtrip just to get a taste of a Dutchie is always in order! Yummo!
Happy eats & travels,

Related post: Time to make doughnouts- Dutchies

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